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Norma Jean


Ya know something? Spring is so great. But it also is a little annoying. Because MUD. The other morning, I was sweeping my house and I just kept thinking, "WHY IS THERE SO MUCH DIRT ON MY STINKIN' FLOOR?!"

Even though I was annoyed, I decided that it was a good thing. Because that means I actually have people in my home. I get my husband, friends and family who get to come through and make memories with. And I am super appreciative of that.

These last couple weeks we had a bottle calf that we were having to feed twice a day. She was luckily a lot more healthy than we were expecting. She also got the lovely name Norma Jean. On Monday she was able to be grafted on to a mamma cow that had lost her own calf that morning. Even though we lost a calf, we are happy that we were able to return Norma out with the herd. That is always the end goal.

It's fun and rewarding to have a bottle calf most of the time because they are depending on you to stay alive and that feels pretty dang good. And with the season of life Taylor and I are in, I am sure grateful we get to take care of something that can't take care of itself.

We only have a couple more weeks until branding day. It's crazy how quickly this year has flown by already. Taylor is so excited for branding time. I'm pretty sure that is his Christmas every year.

Here's a deep thought for ya for the day.

Remember what your goals are. Don't give up just because it got hard. Realize that success and greatness only happens AFTER hard-work and failure.

Have the drive, determination and focus to get your goals done.

Pace yourself. Set small goals that can be achieved easily. Once those are done, set more and achieve them as well.

Give yourself TIME.

Be CONFIDENT in yourself and your flaws. It is what makes you, you.

I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your week as we get ready for Easter.



The Buckaroo's Wife

Here are a couple pictures from the last couple weeks!

Also, my in-laws have these super cute and sweet pups for sale. Mom is a border collie and dad is an Aussie.

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